Sunday, April 18, 2010

Group Admin Officers

The group entitled 'The Roman Catholic Church is also a Persecuted Church' is an all catholic group supervised by catholic admin from all walks of life. The highest of them is the group creator with the exemption of the group spiritual director. The following positions are the following:

Group Spiritual Director

The group spiritual director is the group’s spiritual father. He is concerned with the spiritual guidance of the group. He is not under the jurisdiction of the group admin or group creator, even though the group creator is the highest authority on the group, the group spiritual director is independent of his jurisdiction and is above the group creator. The group spiritual director is subject to no one and can be judge by no one. He has all the freedom in functioning his position.

Group Creator

The group creator is the highest official of the group and according to the position’s name, he is the one who created the group. With the exemption of the Spiritual Director, the group creator will always be the highest authority of the group. He entrusts the management of the group to the group admin and in cases wherein the admin is not united in an agreement, the group creator will intervene in such matters. The group creator can do anything he want to the group, he can remove the group or de-activate it. He is in full control of the group. He appoints his own successor. All transactions in the group needs the approval of the group creator.

Overall Director

The group overall director is the group president, he supervises the whole group but under the control of the group creator. The group creator appoints him as the overall president in charge of leading and managing the group and in giving disciplinary actions. He is answerable to the group creator, and all group admin and members . He also supervises all the admin and chooses new admin.

Assistant Director

The group assistant director is the group vice president, he/she helps the overall director in managing the group. He/she will look if the rules are been followed and discipline being enforced, he also manages all the admin. He/she is answerable both to the group creator, group overall director and all group admin and members. If in case the overall director neglects to do his duty it would be the assistant director to take his place.

Prefect of Discipline

The group Prefect of Discipline is the one responsible and concerned in maintaining order to the group and will look if the rules are observed and is the one to execute disciplinary actions for those who violate the rules.

Apologist Commissioner

The group apologist commissioner is the one who will maintain the right flow of discussion on the discussion board and other parts of the group.

Chief Admin

The Chief admin is the spokesperson of all the admin, he will report to the overall director and assistant director the suggestions and comment of the group, he is the senior admin. He also assists the other admin in doing their task, he is also the admin's representative.


The group manager is the one who is responsible in maintaining order to the group and also he is the one who is responsible in decorating the group and manage order among the group members.

Group Service Control Manager

The group service control manager is the group controller, he is not similar to the other admin and it is the creator of the group who appoints anybody in this position. He is the assistant controller of the group, he/she is not under the jurisdiction of the overall director but is directly under the group creator. In case of the group overall director’s absence or the group assistant director’s absence, he is automatically became the group’s officer in charge yet he is still answerable to the group creator. He is also the one who removes the ousted admin and blocks the rule violators after been given disciplinary action, he is also the one who will report to the group creator the result of the due process if the group cannot make a final decision. Even though he became the officer in charge it doesn’t mean that he will receive the privilege which belongs only to the overall director and thee assistant director, yet he/she can be appointed as a proxy to the group creator but with certain limits.

Member Admin

The group member admin, was an ordinary admin officer of the group, he/she can be promoted in any position either by the overall director, assistant director but with the overall director’s approval or the Group Service Control Manager in case of absence of the overall director and assistant director but needs to have their acknowledgement and with the approval of the admin and creator of the group.

Junior Admin

The junior admin is the youngest admin of the group, he is also an admin on training, since he/she is still young. He can also be the group contributor. He can be appointed by any member of the admin. In case he is in the right age, the council of admin officers will decide on what position he/she would be assigned and if he/she is suited and is capable in such position. He is answerable to the group overall director, manager, assistant director and to the group creator.

The following admin positions are still subject to revisions and amendment, it is by the decision of the group admin that these positions would be the official positions for the officers of the group.Eventhough the group is open to all catholics and non-catholics alike, all admin must be catholics, no non-catholic would be accpet to be listed as one of the admin. Non-catholics are free to use the discussion board and the wall but they are not be made as admin. All admin officers should be catholic and is approved by the overall director and group creator.

To God be the greatest glory!

-Group Admin-

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