Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Instruction Regarding Due Process on Disciplinary actions

As specified on the blog regarding disciplinary action that the second and fourth degree of offense, this instruction will serve as a guide for the group regarding how to conduct the due process.

The Due Process regarding the Second Degree of Offense:
After the violator still became obstinate in his/her offense and did not take heed on reprimand. The Second Degree Disciplinary action specifies that he/she would receive a due process between two or three witnesses. The offender would be given 7 days to answer the charges against them and to give time to repentance and recantation of his/her offense. He/ She must explain it before the tribunal of three witnesses primarily, the Group Overall Director, Assitant Director, Chief Admin and the Prefect of Discipline and one representative from the group members. The offender is allowed to coose and ask for a legal counsel for his/her defense, the tribunal would present to the person all the violations and charges that been given against him/her and that person must repent and answer for the charges. If the person cannot defend himself or herself and is proven guilty, the chief admin would present the case before the other admin regarding their opinion on this matter and their votation as well and after due deliberation, the chief admin would report it before the overall director, assistant director and prefect of discipline and the representative from the group members, if they have votated against the offender, the prefect of discipline will execute the proper punishment, if after 10 hours the offender still remain obstinate, the prefect of discipline will now inflict unto him or her the punishment which is according to the disciplanry action on the second degree of offense. But before that the offender would be given a chance to reform him/herself, send a message of apology to the group and his/her recantation and willingness to reform. If he/she had done this, the prefect would not continue on the punishment and will receive proper treatment in compliance to the disiciplanry action of the group. If the offender is a non-catholic, the group observer would serve as his/her counsel and he/she would receive the same dues process as specified on the blog.

The Due process regarding the Fourth Degree of Offense

This due process would be the toughest due process, since this is quite different from the previous due process. This would include the whole group already. In this matter, after the offender became insincere and obstinate after he/ she had been punished according to the provisions of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree of offense, he/ she must now face the final judgement but this time would be in fron of the group. He /She is allowed to have a legal counsel, he must present to the group his /her answer for the charges that are brought against him/ her, the main judges would be the Overall director, the Assitant Director, Prefect of Discipline, the Chief Admin, Manager, Service Control Manager and the Apologist Commissioner, the Chief Admin represents the whole admin and two representative from the group members, and also the group observer. The person would be given 12 hours to answer the charges and to repent and recant if he/she does not repent and recant and is obstinate, the Chief Admin will ask the decision of the admin and the representative of the group members would also seek counsel from all the group members, the group observer will also consult their non-catholic brethren in this matter. If they agree to the verdict the group overall director the assistant director,and prefect of discipline would decide in this matter, if they are united in this matter, they have to consult the group creator and the group creator if undecided will also consult the group spiritual director, if they all agree in this matter, the prefect of discipline will pronounce and verdict and punishment, but if the offender repents on the time that the punishment has been proclaimed, the prefect will have to consult the whole group, the chief admin will consult all the admin, the reperesentative of the group members will consult all the group members and the group observer will consult his non-catholic brethren if they will accept again the repenting offender, if they all agree, the chief admin, representative of the group members and the group observer would report the decision to the overall director, assistant director and prefect of discipline for the final decision. If they cannot agree then the group creator will have to intervene. And if the group creator agrees, the offender must prove himself/herself to be sincere in his/her repentance or else he/she would incur the same punishment. After the due process the offender will receive a proper treatment in compliance with the blog.

This is the instruction regarding the due process that must be applied to the group regarding the disciplinary action. This is still subject to revision and amendment. On the other hand, the group admin approves the said due process to serve as a guide in implementing the disciplinary action ont he group.

Approved by:
Group Admin

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