As specified on the blog regarding disciplinary action that the second and fourth degree of offense, this instruction will serve as a guide for the group regarding how to conduct the due process.
The Due Process regarding the Second Degree of Offense:
After the violator still became obstinate in his/her offense and did not take heed on reprimand. The Second Degree Disciplinary action specifies that he/she would receive a due process between two or three witnesses. The offender would be given 7 days to answer the charges against them and to give time to repentance and recantation of his/her offense. He/ She must explain it before the tribunal of three witnesses primarily, the Group Overall Director, Assitant Director, Chief Admin and the Prefect of Discipline and one representative from the group members. The offender is allowed to coose and ask for a legal counsel for his/her defense, the tribunal would present to the person all the violations and charges that been given against him/her and that person must repent and answer for the charges. If the person cannot defend himself or herself and is proven guilty, the chief admin would present the case before the other admin regarding their opinion on this matter and their votation as well and after due deliberation, the chief admin would report it before the overall director, assistant director and prefect of discipline and the representative from the group members, if they have votated against the offender, the prefect of discipline will execute the proper punishment, if after 10 hours the offender still remain obstinate, the prefect of discipline will now inflict unto him or her the punishment which is according to the disciplanry action on the second degree of offense. But before that the offender would be given a chance to reform him/herself, send a message of apology to the group and his/her recantation and willingness to reform. If he/she had done this, the prefect would not continue on the punishment and will receive proper treatment in compliance to the disiciplanry action of the group. If the offender is a non-catholic, the group observer would serve as his/her counsel and he/she would receive the same dues process as specified on the blog.
The Due process regarding the Fourth Degree of Offense
This due process would be the toughest due process, since this is quite different from the previous due process. This would include the whole group already. In this matter, after the offender became insincere and obstinate after he/ she had been punished according to the provisions of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree of offense, he/ she must now face the final judgement but this time would be in fron of the group. He /She is allowed to have a legal counsel, he must present to the group his /her answer for the charges that are brought against him/ her, the main judges would be the Overall director, the Assitant Director, Prefect of Discipline, the Chief Admin, Manager, Service Control Manager and the Apologist Commissioner, the Chief Admin represents the whole admin and two representative from the group members, and also the group observer. The person would be given 12 hours to answer the charges and to repent and recant if he/she does not repent and recant and is obstinate, the Chief Admin will ask the decision of the admin and the representative of the group members would also seek counsel from all the group members, the group observer will also consult their non-catholic brethren in this matter. If they agree to the verdict the group overall director the assistant director,and prefect of discipline would decide in this matter, if they are united in this matter, they have to consult the group creator and the group creator if undecided will also consult the group spiritual director, if they all agree in this matter, the prefect of discipline will pronounce and verdict and punishment, but if the offender repents on the time that the punishment has been proclaimed, the prefect will have to consult the whole group, the chief admin will consult all the admin, the reperesentative of the group members will consult all the group members and the group observer will consult his non-catholic brethren if they will accept again the repenting offender, if they all agree, the chief admin, representative of the group members and the group observer would report the decision to the overall director, assistant director and prefect of discipline for the final decision. If they cannot agree then the group creator will have to intervene. And if the group creator agrees, the offender must prove himself/herself to be sincere in his/her repentance or else he/she would incur the same punishment. After the due process the offender will receive a proper treatment in compliance with the blog.
This is the instruction regarding the due process that must be applied to the group regarding the disciplinary action. This is still subject to revision and amendment. On the other hand, the group admin approves the said due process to serve as a guide in implementing the disciplinary action ont he group.
Approved by:
Group Admin
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
The Successor of the Group
In cases whhe groerein the creator of the group ceases office etiher through resignation or retirement, he appoints a successor as the new creator of the group. It is only the creator of the group who will appoint his own successor. The creator of the group will notify all the admin and group members about the appointment of his new successor. After the group creator notifies all the group admin and members, the new successor will enjoy all the privileges of being the group creator, he is in full control of the group, he is not covered by any rule whatsoever and he will be the highest authority in the group. While the old group creator which had retired, resigned and ceases office will automatically be called as the creator emeritus. Eventhough he ceases office it doesn't mean that he can be easily be manipulated since he is the true creator of the group, he does not loose any privilege whatsoever only those things which is not necessary anymore. The new appointed successor cannot impose or manipulate his predecessor because his predecessor did not loose his privileges and the full control of the group.
The creator emeritus retains the following privileges:
-As the true creator of the group he does not loose the privilege of deleting or deactivating the group.
-He does not loose the privilege of having full control of the group.
-He has the right and the authority to depose his unworthy successor and appoints a new one and he has the right to he judge and punish the unworthy successor.
-He is not covered by the rules of the group.
- He has still all the rights and privileges in having the full freedom whatever he wants to do in the group.
- He cannot be judged by no one.
While the group creator's successor receives all the privileges like:
-Having full control of the group except those that pertains to his predecessor.
-He is judged by no one only his predecessor has that right to judge and depose him.
- He is not covered by the rules
-He can appoint anyone in becoming an admin.
-He can change all that his predecessor has done in the group, EXCEPT this post and whatever the creator emeritus wants to do.
- He can revise all the rules of the group in consultation with the group admin ang group members.
There are things which the successor of the group creator cannot do or is forbidden to do:
-Manipulating his successor which is the creator emeritus, judging him, hurting him, imposing anything in him and threatening him.
-He cannot deactivate or delete the group, only his predecessor has the right to do that.
-He cannot change what this post says, only his predecessor has that right.
-He cannot remove, depose, excommunicate, punish or defrock his predecessor.
- And other things which concerns his predecessor.
These are things that the group creator's successor must take into mind. This post cannot be changed nor amended by anyone even the group creator's successor, it would only be the creator emeritus which is the true creator that can remove this post, change it and amend it.
Given on the 9th of May in the year of our Lord 2010, on the Sunday of the 6th Week of Easter.
Approved and implemented by:
Group Creator
The creator emeritus retains the following privileges:
-As the true creator of the group he does not loose the privilege of deleting or deactivating the group.
-He does not loose the privilege of having full control of the group.
-He has the right and the authority to depose his unworthy successor and appoints a new one and he has the right to he judge and punish the unworthy successor.
-He is not covered by the rules of the group.
- He has still all the rights and privileges in having the full freedom whatever he wants to do in the group.
- He cannot be judged by no one.
While the group creator's successor receives all the privileges like:
-Having full control of the group except those that pertains to his predecessor.
-He is judged by no one only his predecessor has that right to judge and depose him.
- He is not covered by the rules
-He can appoint anyone in becoming an admin.
-He can change all that his predecessor has done in the group, EXCEPT this post and whatever the creator emeritus wants to do.
- He can revise all the rules of the group in consultation with the group admin ang group members.
There are things which the successor of the group creator cannot do or is forbidden to do:
-Manipulating his successor which is the creator emeritus, judging him, hurting him, imposing anything in him and threatening him.
-He cannot deactivate or delete the group, only his predecessor has the right to do that.
-He cannot change what this post says, only his predecessor has that right.
-He cannot remove, depose, excommunicate, punish or defrock his predecessor.
- And other things which concerns his predecessor.
These are things that the group creator's successor must take into mind. This post cannot be changed nor amended by anyone even the group creator's successor, it would only be the creator emeritus which is the true creator that can remove this post, change it and amend it.
Given on the 9th of May in the year of our Lord 2010, on the Sunday of the 6th Week of Easter.
Approved and implemented by:
Group Creator
Friday, May 7, 2010
Instructions in Choosing New Group Admin
As what was been specified in this blog that the admin are persons who are devoutly catholic chosen from different walks of life in different positions in leading and supervising the group by implementing rules and promoting order and discipline on the group. Therefore in choosing a group admin he must first of all became a member of the group then must have these qualifications
-must be a loyal and devout catholic
- a person of good moral character and sound judgement
- has a knowledge of the catholic faith and also apologetics
- has a zeal in defending the catholic faith
There are no specific age requirement in this regard, and no non-catholic must be chosen as an admin they are only been given the position of a group observer which has no connection with the admin of the group. The group admin will invite or choose among the members who has the following qualifications and then they must present the name of the person to the group overall director, assistant director for the first approval and screening then the following officers will recommend that person to the group creator for the final approval then the group creator or his representative or substitute will appoint that person in any specific admin positions. The group admin has all the privileges on the group except those that pertain only to the group creator. The admin enjoys this privilege as long as he /she is chosen and been appointed on the position, he must therefore do his assigned function in the group. The group admin is not exempted to the rules and they can also be given proper disciplinary action if they violate the rules.
This instruction is subject to amendment, the group admin together with the group creator thereofre establish the following as the official instruction in choosing a new member of the admin.
Approved by:
Group Admin
-must be a loyal and devout catholic
- a person of good moral character and sound judgement
- has a knowledge of the catholic faith and also apologetics
- has a zeal in defending the catholic faith
There are no specific age requirement in this regard, and no non-catholic must be chosen as an admin they are only been given the position of a group observer which has no connection with the admin of the group. The group admin will invite or choose among the members who has the following qualifications and then they must present the name of the person to the group overall director, assistant director for the first approval and screening then the following officers will recommend that person to the group creator for the final approval then the group creator or his representative or substitute will appoint that person in any specific admin positions. The group admin has all the privileges on the group except those that pertain only to the group creator. The admin enjoys this privilege as long as he /she is chosen and been appointed on the position, he must therefore do his assigned function in the group. The group admin is not exempted to the rules and they can also be given proper disciplinary action if they violate the rules.
This instruction is subject to amendment, the group admin together with the group creator thereofre establish the following as the official instruction in choosing a new member of the admin.
Approved by:
Group Admin
The Affiliated Groups
The Following are th list of the sister groups who have requested to become part of this community.
1. Catholic Information Defense Corps
represented by: Ian Joseph Rinon
The following sister groups after they have requested to become affiliated in this group receives the title 'group master knights of the catholic church' which is equivalent to an ambassador, they will receive the privileges that pertains to them in this blog, they must abide to the rules and constitutions of this group as specified in this blog. They can use the group and the member's blog except the admin's blog. The group admin would list the other sister groups who are interested to become affiliated with this group at this blog only in this specific post. The sister groups is now free to propagate their zeal for the defense of the catholic church and the spreading of the Good News of the Gospels. The admin wishes to congratulate and thank the following groups for responding to our invitation in becoming part of the group community.
This still subject for amendment, the group admin in cooperation with the group creator approves this post as the official list of the affiliated sister groups.
Approved by:
Group Admin
1. Catholic Information Defense Corps
represented by: Ian Joseph Rinon
The following sister groups after they have requested to become affiliated in this group receives the title 'group master knights of the catholic church' which is equivalent to an ambassador, they will receive the privileges that pertains to them in this blog, they must abide to the rules and constitutions of this group as specified in this blog. They can use the group and the member's blog except the admin's blog. The group admin would list the other sister groups who are interested to become affiliated with this group at this blog only in this specific post. The sister groups is now free to propagate their zeal for the defense of the catholic church and the spreading of the Good News of the Gospels. The admin wishes to congratulate and thank the following groups for responding to our invitation in becoming part of the group community.
This still subject for amendment, the group admin in cooperation with the group creator approves this post as the official list of the affiliated sister groups.
Approved by:
Group Admin
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Affiliation to the Group
I would like to call all our sister groups whose goal is to defend the catholic faith and catholic church if they are willing to become part of this community. I would like to call their attention if they are willing to become affliated with our group. They are only to notify the group about their willingness to become affliated with this group. While the group admin will post the names of the sister group who have consented in being affiliated with the group to the admin's blog, the discussion board and the member's blog. The admin will notify all the group members about this affiliation. The sister groups are entitled to the following privileges:
1. They are entitled to share their contribution to the group.
2. They can voice out their concerns to the group.
3. They can help the group in defending the faith
4. They are free to use the group but with limitations.
Furthermore, the limitations to these privileges would be
1. They are not exempted from the rules.
2. Eventhough they are free but they cannot change anything to the group without the consent of the group admin and creator.
3. They are forbidden to use the admin's blog.
The group creator also wishes there groups to send their representtative in order to grant the position of the group master knights of the catholic church a position that is equivalent to a delegate or ambassador.
This is subject to changed depending upon the discretion of the group admin.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Group Creator
1. They are entitled to share their contribution to the group.
2. They can voice out their concerns to the group.
3. They can help the group in defending the faith
4. They are free to use the group but with limitations.
Furthermore, the limitations to these privileges would be
1. They are not exempted from the rules.
2. Eventhough they are free but they cannot change anything to the group without the consent of the group admin and creator.
3. They are forbidden to use the admin's blog.
The group creator also wishes there groups to send their representtative in order to grant the position of the group master knights of the catholic church a position that is equivalent to a delegate or ambassador.
This is subject to changed depending upon the discretion of the group admin.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Group Creator
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Appointed substitute to the group creator
In cases wherein the group creator is absent, he appoints three or one substitute as the substitute creator in controlling and supervising the group but with certain limits. The substitute will act in the person of the group creator and he is entitled to make decisions on the group until the group creator returns. Any transaction that comes to the group needs the approval of the substitute/s. The group service controller which automatically become one of the substitute must report when the creator comes every proceedings that had happened on the group. The substitute loses their function upon the return of the group creator.
The substitutes to the group creator enjoys the following functions:
- They are entitled to have a full control on the group but with certain limits wherein they are not allowed to de-activate or remove the group, nor change the name of the group or the admin and member blogs.
- Every transaction in the group must need their decision or approval. No trnsaction must be acknowledge without their permission or approval.
- They are also entitled to accept or reject request on the group.
- They are allowed to make changes on the group with certain limits as specified in the first privilege they are not permitted also to change the position of the admin officers.
- They will become as the officer in charge of the group.
- Eventhough they are the substitute they are not exempt from the rules yet they cannot be punished by any admin officer it is the group creator who will inflict punishment on his return and the other admin must report it to the creator upon his return.
-They are free to appoint new admin officers and observer and send messages to any members or admin of the group.
- Their appointment would be effective at the date that was been given by the creator or upon the message been sent by the creator regarding their function. And they enjoy all the privileges that is written in this blog but with certain limits.
-They can remove or punish any rule violator in the group observing due process that is been specified in this blog.
This is the privileges that the subsitute to the group creator enjoys, yet the group spiritual director is exempted from their authority. Their appointment will end upon the return of the group creator and they lose all powers and privileges when the group creator returns.
This is the instruction been specified by the group creator in case that he is absent, this blog can only be changed and amend by the group creator alone.
Approved by:
Group Creator
The substitutes to the group creator enjoys the following functions:
- They are entitled to have a full control on the group but with certain limits wherein they are not allowed to de-activate or remove the group, nor change the name of the group or the admin and member blogs.
- Every transaction in the group must need their decision or approval. No trnsaction must be acknowledge without their permission or approval.
- They are also entitled to accept or reject request on the group.
- They are allowed to make changes on the group with certain limits as specified in the first privilege they are not permitted also to change the position of the admin officers.
- They will become as the officer in charge of the group.
- Eventhough they are the substitute they are not exempt from the rules yet they cannot be punished by any admin officer it is the group creator who will inflict punishment on his return and the other admin must report it to the creator upon his return.
-They are free to appoint new admin officers and observer and send messages to any members or admin of the group.
- Their appointment would be effective at the date that was been given by the creator or upon the message been sent by the creator regarding their function. And they enjoy all the privileges that is written in this blog but with certain limits.
-They can remove or punish any rule violator in the group observing due process that is been specified in this blog.
This is the privileges that the subsitute to the group creator enjoys, yet the group spiritual director is exempted from their authority. Their appointment will end upon the return of the group creator and they lose all powers and privileges when the group creator returns.
This is the instruction been specified by the group creator in case that he is absent, this blog can only be changed and amend by the group creator alone.
Approved by:
Group Creator
Group Observer
As what was been specified in this group The Roman Catholic Church is also sa Persecuted Church that this is an all catholic group open to the public and is also open for non-catholics. This group was also run by the admin which were chosen from the different walks of life and are all catholics. The previous blogs also specified that no non-catholic can be made an admin but for the sake that they will have also a part in the administration of the group, the group admin with the consent of the group creator decided to establish the office of a group observer. The catholic observer is not an admin, but their part is to supervise their non-catholic brethren in this group. There should only be two group observer.
In choosing the group observer the group admin must choose 5 persons from the groups members that are qualified and suitable in the position. Then the group overall director or his/her proxy will present the list from the group creator and the group creator decides who will be chosen as the two group observer. The group observer is not under the authority of the lower admin, but with the exception of the overall director, assistant director, prefect of discipline, manager and group service controller. The group observer must observe the following:
- They are allowed to use everything to the group but they are not permitted to use the admin's blog, it is only the member's blog that they are allowed to use.
- They must abide and comply with the established rules of the group and they must encourage their brethren to do so.
- They must not usurp the function and office of an admin.
-They are the ones who will correct their non-catholic brehtren in case their brehtren did not comply with the rules, they must reprimand them as soon as possible before they are given a sacntion.
- They are also entitled to act as advocates for their guilty colleagues interceding for them before the authorities not to inflict the disciplinary action that they incur. They must wait also for the decision of the admin in this matter. And they must obey whatever would be the admin's decision.
-They are also entitled to voice out their concerns for the group. But with proper respect, decorum and humility.
- They are also entitled to report to the group admin any violator from the group whether it be non-catholic or catholic.
- They are obliged to obey the group admin at all times unless it is not right or sinful.
- They must tell everything to the admin any proceedings that they made with their non-catholic brehtren.
- They cannot be promoted on any admin position nor act as proxy or subsitute to any admin officer.
This are the things that the group observer must observe. Any violation of the above rules and functions would be dealt with accordingly with proper disciplinary action. They must do their part for the sake of order, discipline and respect on the group.
This is still subject to amendment but the group admin and the group creator decided that this would be the standard basis of the group observer at this moment.
Approved by:
Group Admin
In choosing the group observer the group admin must choose 5 persons from the groups members that are qualified and suitable in the position. Then the group overall director or his/her proxy will present the list from the group creator and the group creator decides who will be chosen as the two group observer. The group observer is not under the authority of the lower admin, but with the exception of the overall director, assistant director, prefect of discipline, manager and group service controller. The group observer must observe the following:
- They are allowed to use everything to the group but they are not permitted to use the admin's blog, it is only the member's blog that they are allowed to use.
- They must abide and comply with the established rules of the group and they must encourage their brethren to do so.
- They must not usurp the function and office of an admin.
-They are the ones who will correct their non-catholic brehtren in case their brehtren did not comply with the rules, they must reprimand them as soon as possible before they are given a sacntion.
- They are also entitled to act as advocates for their guilty colleagues interceding for them before the authorities not to inflict the disciplinary action that they incur. They must wait also for the decision of the admin in this matter. And they must obey whatever would be the admin's decision.
-They are also entitled to voice out their concerns for the group. But with proper respect, decorum and humility.
- They are also entitled to report to the group admin any violator from the group whether it be non-catholic or catholic.
- They are obliged to obey the group admin at all times unless it is not right or sinful.
- They must tell everything to the admin any proceedings that they made with their non-catholic brehtren.
- They cannot be promoted on any admin position nor act as proxy or subsitute to any admin officer.
This are the things that the group observer must observe. Any violation of the above rules and functions would be dealt with accordingly with proper disciplinary action. They must do their part for the sake of order, discipline and respect on the group.
This is still subject to amendment but the group admin and the group creator decided that this would be the standard basis of the group observer at this moment.
Approved by:
Group Admin
Pledge of Allegiance of the Group
"I pledge allegiance to the Supreme Pontiff
of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church,
and to the Eternal City for which it stands,
one Church instituted by Christ, Invincible and Legendary,
with Truth and Love for all.
of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church,
and to the Eternal City for which it stands,
one Church instituted by Christ, Invincible and Legendary,
with Truth and Love for all.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Who must become a group admin
To: All group members and admin
As what was been specified in this blog that no non-catholic would be accepted to become admin since this is an all catholic group that is open to all. But the exemption would be eventhough they are not to be admitted to become one of the admin yet they are permitted to become an observer. There can be two non-catholic observer in the group. They will represent their church in this group. But they are not exempted from the rules nor from the disciplinary actions since the rules and disciplinary actions are binding to all except the group spiritual director and creator. The admin will choose two among the non-catholic members and they will present the name of the persons chosen before the group creator. Then the group creator will decide who will be the two who will be chosen as the group observer. The group observer will not be placed under the jurisdiction of the lower admin with the exemption of the group service controller, manager and prefect of discipline, they are directly answerable before the group overall director, assistant director and group creator. They are not permitted to use the admin's blog but they are only permitted to use the member's blog. They are the one's who will supervise their non-catholic colleagues, if some of their colleagues violated the rules, they must reprimand them and correct them if their colleagues do not listen to them but still persists then they must report it to the group admin for proper disciplinary action, they can intervene for their collegues but it would be at the discretion of the admin if their request would be accepted or not if the violators would be spared or not from being punished. But if they themselves are the ones who supported the violators then the admin will report it before the concerned authorities and this guilty observers would be punished with the proper disciplinary action, if they apologize then no punishment would be given. This is for the good of the group in order to maintain order, discipline and justice among the members. So that they will have a voice before the group.
From: The Group Creator
As what was been specified in this blog that no non-catholic would be accepted to become admin since this is an all catholic group that is open to all. But the exemption would be eventhough they are not to be admitted to become one of the admin yet they are permitted to become an observer. There can be two non-catholic observer in the group. They will represent their church in this group. But they are not exempted from the rules nor from the disciplinary actions since the rules and disciplinary actions are binding to all except the group spiritual director and creator. The admin will choose two among the non-catholic members and they will present the name of the persons chosen before the group creator. Then the group creator will decide who will be the two who will be chosen as the group observer. The group observer will not be placed under the jurisdiction of the lower admin with the exemption of the group service controller, manager and prefect of discipline, they are directly answerable before the group overall director, assistant director and group creator. They are not permitted to use the admin's blog but they are only permitted to use the member's blog. They are the one's who will supervise their non-catholic colleagues, if some of their colleagues violated the rules, they must reprimand them and correct them if their colleagues do not listen to them but still persists then they must report it to the group admin for proper disciplinary action, they can intervene for their collegues but it would be at the discretion of the admin if their request would be accepted or not if the violators would be spared or not from being punished. But if they themselves are the ones who supported the violators then the admin will report it before the concerned authorities and this guilty observers would be punished with the proper disciplinary action, if they apologize then no punishment would be given. This is for the good of the group in order to maintain order, discipline and justice among the members. So that they will have a voice before the group.
From: The Group Creator
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